A London-based plastic surgeon has found what he believes are the perfect breast proportions, according to a formula he created that is backed by public opinion.
According to Dr. Patrick Malluci, this ideal breast has an ideally placed nipple meridian, which he believes to be 45 percent of the breast lying above the nipple, and 55 percent below. That would mean the nipple would appear to point upward at approximately 20 degrees. Dr. Malluci believes this creates a “beckoning” breast.
So who has these “scientifically perfect” breasts? Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, and Scarlett Johansson are two of the celebrities who fit Dr. Malucci’s formula.
Dr. Malucci formulated a hypothesis that the size of the upper and lower portions of the breast, relative to each other and the nipple, hold the key to determining the perfect breast. In his hypothesis, the perfect breasts are only slightly smaller in the upper breast than in the lower.
To support his hypothesis, he then asked 1,300 people to rank four differently proportioned breasts. An overwhelming 87 percent of respondents chose the breasts with the 45:55 percent ratio.
Dr. Malucci’s findings are interesting because often, women visit their plastic surgeon’s office looking for breast implants, only thinking about what the breasts will look like while they are clothed. Fuller tends to be better – the more your breasts fill out that little black dress, the better. Or so many may think.
But Dr. Malucci’s study shows women what the ideal can truly be, and encourages that rather than looking just for fullness, women talk with their surgeon’s about the overall aesthetic look of the breast, both to fill out clothes and in the naked form.
“So what does this study actually tell us?” says Dr. Shain Cuber, who performs NJ breast augmentation procedures. “The perfect breast enhancement isn’t just about size, it’s also about shape. In our culture, we always tend to think bigger is better. But what we as plastic surgeons should be focusing on with our patients is reaching the ideal proportions.”
Dr. Malucci’s study interviewed people of all ages, races, genders and cultures, and the response was overwhelming that no matter what size of breast the respondents were shown, their ideal fit into the 45:55 proportion.
Dr. Malucci has been using this formula in his procedure for years, and has encouraged other surgeons to follow suit. And he points out that this isn’t a recent phenomenon. If you take a look through art history, many artists have chosen the same proportions for their subjects.
He believes that this formula gives both women and their surgeons something to strive for to achieve the best surgical result.